lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

Posters 3 and 4: Education and Senegal!

We complete the rest of the posters about Smiling Stars Project - Euroscola 2015. Once finished, it looks really great!! Everybody congratulates us for the effort at school. Parents coming to the school also asks and want to collaborate.

Poster 3: Education and Happiness

For poster number three (green, of hope) we have looked for famous sentences about Education from our own cultures: Confuccius from China, Malala from Pakistan, Nelson Mandela from Africa... and in many languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Chinese, Urdu...

We also propose a new millennium goal: HAPPINESS!  The 9th Millennium Goal. Through education we want to impact on the other objectives, as education is the key for the rest to evolve.

We added a QR code that links to Cooperation projects of the EU in Senegal. We decided to customize the QR code with the Senegal Flag.

We learn this option from a QR creator program we used to create our poster for the EU quiz. it looks nice, doesn't it?

Definitely we are very INVOLVED in our project!

The QR code takes you to the link giving information about EU aid in Senegal. We want to do our bit ourselves.

Some info
Relations between the EU and Senegal are based on political dialogue under the Cotonou Agreement, relating to development assistance and trade.
The EU has also sent delegations to observe recent elections in Senegal: an observation mission for the presidential elections in February 2012 and an expert mission for the legislative elections in July 2012.

Development assistance

Provided through the European Development Fund mainly for:
  • Strengthening democratic governance;
  • Development of sustainable agriculture and food security;
  • Water and sanitation. (we remember the story about "no WC, no girlfriend")
The total amount of 11th EFD funding for Senegal is EUR 347 million for the 2014-2020 period, EUR 200 million of which is for the first 2014-2017 period. A revision of the amount should take place in 2016/17 in order to prepare for the second phase (2018-2020). This will be based on the new development strategy to be defined by Senegal.

Senegal also receives aid from regional, intra-ACP and issue-specific programmes, as well as EU humanitarian aid to help tackle the consequences of the Sahel food crisis.

The link provided at Eusocolos 1 was broken but we have already an idea of that food crisis. Senegal is just between the Sahel region and the sub-Saharian Africa.

Poster 4: Senegal 
We research about Senegal. Sembe, a student from 4th of ESO from Gambia lived there for many years and explains about her experience at school. We see that Gambia is surrounded by Senegal, it follows the river Gambia. When she lived in Senegal they had very little. She is very happy when she sees the picture of the children running bare footed. "I was like them! So happy!". It's a great lesson we learn. You can be happy with little.
For this poster we research about the history, landscapes, geography... and we help other groups create a quiz like ours for the EU. We look for a word cloud of volunteering and learn what happened with the Paris-Dakar, the rally has been moved to Latin  America due to instability and safety issues in a neighbouring country, Mauritania.

Landscapes in Senegal are incredible, there is a Pink Lake! We want out teacher to confirm this with his own eyes! Each group finds information about the projects and we find more info and images from SPER. Our teacher reads us an email answering to our offer to help, and we are very happy. So happy that we want to include their answer in the poster (left down corner).

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