lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Former student in The Netherlands

Today Hoda, a former student form our school, has visited us and explained her experience living and studying in The Hague. There are some important differences! They get paid for studying and receive a lot of helps to get a house, this is great. But they are very strict as well, you can get fined if you don't study!

She explains her daily routine there and remind us of the importance of learning languages, particularly English. Now, she is learning Dutch, she says it is difficult but they are very patient. Her overall experience is positive so, we are very excited to know all the opportunities we have to travel abroad. Tomorrow they will explain all these opportunities with the visit of Europe Direct!

We also learned that in The Hague there is the Peace Palace (in the picture), where the the International Court of Justice is located. Serious issues we dealt with in Euroscolos (for example, the Yugoslavian War) have been judged there (ICTY).

Major international and European organisations based in The Hague include:

Finally she remembered her participation in Euroscola back in 2013 and how they overcame so many technical problems editing videos but all the good moments working in group too and wishes us good luck!

Thanks Hoda!

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