viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Packing and wrapping time!

We have collected more things and solved the problem of the baby stuff so we have been able to get pacifiers and milk bottles and also an aids box and games. We made it! Now we have to classify, pack and wrap all what we have collected! We have also printed a message with pictures, the logos of Euroscola and our school and a smiling star for the packages, Cristina from Aula d'Acollida has helped us. The teacher says he has a limit of 23 kg of baggage o carry so we have to adapt to that and the space of a suitcase or backpack. This is the practice gif/stop-motion we used as a practice for our story of the Smiling Stars. This is the trip we are making to Senegal through our materials!

All teachers congratulate for our efforts and we are very excited: we have really worked a lot for solidarity and education! Now Humberto will take all these materials for Senegal, He has read the emails received and has already an appointment at SPER (Solidarité Pour les Enfants de la Rue) for Monday 30 April.

Have a nice trip and take pictures!

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